
When deciding to refresh my website, I had some specific ideas in mind – specifically the addition of a Rorschach. I love Rorschachs as everyone sees something different in each design. Amy Archibeque and I worked together to create this design and I wanted to know how she found it designing a Rorschach. – […]

“Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans”. The late and great John Lennon said it best, but what’s interesting is that we’re constantly told that success only comes from having a plan. Raising a family? Have a plan. Get savings. Get a house. Get a well-paying career. Start building that college fund. […]

A Professional Concern: the Patchwork Voice Actor If you’re working with a professional UK voice-over artist, or if you are one, there are certain terms that you need to learn and be comfortable with to make sure jobs go smoothly. One is the “BSF”, which means Basic Session Fee or Basic Studio Fee (i.e. the […]

Back in the booth for another podcast Having appeared on the VO Boss podcast in 2018, I was recently asked to be a guest on Samantha Boffin’s podcast, Talking Creative – the Art of Voiceover Directing. The podcast is aimed at helping clients, creatives, producers – and indeed, anyone working with professional voice-over artists – find, […]

A blog about being the right you in the right context. Personal and professional. Two words. Both pretty similar. Each one begins with a ‘p’ and ends with an ‘l’. And they share an ‘e’, ‘r’, ‘s’, ‘o’, ‘n’ and ‘a’, too. To outward appearances, these two words have a lot in common: you can […]

Are You Casting a Catfish? Are you a voice-over casting director? Or a radio commercial producer? Or even a marketing person looking for a voice for a project? Then perhaps you might allow me to have a discreet word in your ear. Because there’s a thing that I’ve been made aware of, which maybe you’re […]

My VO Boss Appearance How I became a Special Guest Podcast Host Tanya Rich: VO Boss. Got a nice to ring to it, hasn’t it? It’s almost as if Her Majesty the Queen has prematurely bestowed on me a splendid new title in her New Year’s honours list! As you can probably tell as I […]

It’s OK, I’m on VO-cation It’s late November. And I’m leaving on a jet plane. Next month some time, I’ll be back again. Yes, my gorgeous husband and I are on our way to sunnier climes for fun times. We’ve packed the usual: sunglasses, sun hats (see left for me modelling mine) sunscreen, aftersun, sun […]

Why versatility makes you a most valuable player (MVP) of voice-over I was introduced recently to the greatest basketball player in the world. Not literally, of course. But to what makes him the greatest and how he’s able to perform each and every night in America’s National Basketball Association. His name is LeBron James. He’s arguably the […]

Old School Voiceover… But Still Top of the Class British novelist L.P. Hartley once wrote: ”the past is a foreign country: they do things differently there”. For a British female voiceover artist who has witnessed more than 30 years of change, I could not think of a truer statement to begin this post. There has […]

Let’s talk about branding: after more than 30 years in the voiceover industry, I recently took professional advice and decided that it was time for a rebrand. Time for a fresh look, time to adapt to technological change, and time to export my broad voiceover skills into new countries and markets. When I started voicing […]